
A keystroke or two opens the door to hundreds of sites on many practice areas - a generous representation of what today's practitioners need to know. Regardless of the specialization, these sections offer in-depth industry info, news, technical support and business tools geared to keeping physicians professionals conversant and current in their disciplines.

  • Industry Articles
    Each industry shown here is different. Each industry has its own special issues and items on running a successful industry business. Here you will find exciting articles on running your business within that industry.
  • Industry Publications
    The variety of industry publications serving medical professionals is formidable. To make review of these materials a bit easier, this section provides an extensive list of links to leading journals and periodicals applicable to a broad range of specializations. In many cases, free subscriptions are available to eligible practitioners.
  • Trade Shows
    It's a fair bet that medical practitioners top the list when it comes to networking with colleagues in professional settings. And no wonder! The health industries offer hundreds of conferences and events geared to helping members grow on educational, business and personal fronts. This section features some of the leading functions happening today.
  • Trade Associations and Resources
    A quick review of this section makes clear that professional associations exist for virtually every medical venue. Typically serving as member advocates - especially to government sectors - these groups also provide opportunities for continuing education, credentialing, networking and other benefits. Check out the listings offered here to learn more.
  • Licensing/Certification, Training & Cont.
    This section features continuing education opportunities for physicians, dentists and registered nurses, with direct links to professional organizations - such as the American Medical Association - that sponsor applicable courses. Also addressed are licensing requirements for health care specialists, among them coding specialists, certified compliance professionals and registered health information technicians.