Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan

Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan
Jen Jordan brings a wealth of life and leadership experiences to her writing. After 10 years creating a variety of content for a nonprofit, Jen decided to establish her own writing business. She specializes in creating high quality blog and website content for small businesses. When she's not writing, Jen is a competitive triathlete with a goal of completing a triathlon in all 50 states.

Four Ways To Boost Your Email Marketing Content

Four Ways To Boost Your Email Marketing Content

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach large audiences, convert prospects, and stay in touch with existing customers. Now that many people check email throughout the day on their mobile devices, you can reach your audience practically any time you want!

However, it’s critical to keep your email content relevant and engaging, so people keep clicking through and reading your content. This will help boost your sales and expand your reach as people share your content with their network. Here are four tips and insights to help you keep your email marketing fresh and compelling.

1. Understand your audience and segment your lists accordingly

Take the time to get to know your audience so you can segment your list and send relevant and helpful content to each group. One common mistake many businesses make with their email marketing content is to send every subscriber the exact same content all the time.

Using list segmentation to send tailored content to your audience communicates that you care about them and take the time to understand their unique needs. Especially when you’re dealing with serious or weighty topics, blasting the same content to your entire email list might bring some negative results.

2. Keep the content short

In the early days of email marketing, many businesses packed content into two or three columns and used small fonts. Many readers felt overwhelmed by the content and didn’t read much.

People are busy and may even read your email while multitasking. Keep your email to just one central message that’s clear and concise. Include a link to your website where they can learn more if they’re interested.

Another reason to keep your messaging short and simple is that many emails are read on mobile devices now. Four sentences in an email on a mobile screen might look like a novel! Keep that in mind as you decide how much content to include.

3. Always deliver something valuable

As you create your email draft, ask yourself, "What will my reader get from this email, and is it valuable to them?"If you can’t answer that question, it might be time to rethink your email strategy.

Interesting, valuable content is the foundation of every successful email marketing strategy. Whether it’s an upcoming sale or an informative video about how to use a product or service, there are loads of ways to deliver value in your emails. If you’re unsure where to start, think of the most frequently asked questions you encounter from your customers.

Many businesses find success adding video, infographics, and other content to their emails. In fact, according to some studies, including a video in your email can lead to a 200 to 300% increase in click-through rates!

4. Tell your reader why your email content is relevant

Professional writers often talk about "benefits-focused" copy instead of fact-based writing that describes or lists products or services. Sometimes it’s essential to explain why your email content is relevant to your readers. Share why you think it’s helpful or what they’ll get out of responding to your call to action.

The more you justify your content and why readers should take a specific action, the better response you’ll get.

There are many strategies and approaches to improving your email content. Taking the time to refine your email marketing can expand your audience and lead to more sales.

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