Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan

Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan
Jen Jordan brings a wealth of life and leadership experiences to her writing. After 10 years creating a variety of content for a nonprofit, Jen decided to establish her own writing business. She specializes in creating high quality blog and website content for small businesses. When she's not writing, Jen is a competitive triathlete with a goal of completing a triathlon in all 50 states.

Using Linkedin Groups to Your Advantage

Using Linkedin Groups to Your Advantage

Business owners often think of LinkedIn as too small and lacking regular users (except for those who occasionally update their resume and look for a new job). Many people are also under the impression that you can only connect with people you personally know via LinkedIn, making it a less-than-effective networking tool.

These misconceptions could not be further from the truth! More than 500 million people use LinkedIn regularly, including more than 9 billion business profiles from at least 200 countries! Executives from all Fortune 500 companies maintain an active LinkedIn profile (and a recent study revealed that about 76 percent of them check LinkedIn daily).

About LinkedIn Groups

Beyond the impressive user statistics, LinkedIn Groups are perhaps one of the most under-utilized resources the site offers entrepreneurs and business owners. Joining the right LinkedIn Group can be an invaluable resource.

LinkedIn Groups are an organized place for business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals to connect with people in the same industry or with people who share common interests. The goal is to help people share insights and wisdom, ask for help, and develop a wide range of connections, from mentoring to business networking.

You can find groups by searching at the top of the homepage or viewing the groups you already joined. LinkedIn users can also create a new group at any time! Once you become a “member” of a group, you can participate in conversations, send messages to other group members, and do many other things!

3 Benefits of LinkedIn Groups

While there are many advantages to joining (and actively participating in) LinkedIn groups, here are three main benefits any business owner or entrepreneur can enjoy.

1 Get great feedback: A well-managed LinkedIn group is full of people who have the right experience and industry insight to offer valuable feedback! Honest reviews and business wisdom are hard to come by. A LinkedIn group can be a fantastic place to solicit feedback, professional advice, and reviews of your products and services from a select group of people.

2 Receive problem-solving and troubleshooting help: Do you need an unbiased viewpoint or want advice on how to handle a difficult situation in your business? A LinkedIn Group can be a safe and trustworthy place to solicit professional advice. Wise business owners value the counsel of their peers. LinkedIn Groups allow you to connect with seasoned experts and fellow business owners around the country and the world!

3 Boost your influence: LinkedIn Groups are not the place to spam people with your blog content or products and services (in fact, LinkedIn uses an algorithm to detect promotional, irrelevant, or cross-posted content). However, by selectively engaging in groups for which you have the time, interest, and experience, you can become an influencer in those spaces!

It does take time to build trust and recognition among your peers. Consistent and thoughtful contributions to the LinkedIn Groups will soon lead to other business owners and entrepreneurs asking for your opinion and insights.

While it’s not a strategy that is a “one-size-fits-all,” LinkedIn can be a valuable resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Investing the time to identify and become active in the right LinkedIn Groups can be a great way to grow your influence and even propel your business to the next level.

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